Jayme Says…

Posts Tagged ‘fonts

This semester we were given the task of designing a brochure for a non-profit organization. Again, I chose the March of Dimes  to design my brochure for because I love their mission. They are trying to reduce the chances of birth defects, pre-term births, and other baby related problems. They strive to help everyone by providing the education parents need and the monetary funds for continuous research.

My brochure was designed to be an easy read, which should expand its readership. The March of Dimes’ main audience is parents, both old and new, but mainly moms. Moms are the main ones who go to the doctor and they know everything going on with the baby.

When I was thinking of the design for this organization, I chose to use fonts and colors that were more appealing to women. I downloaded those fonts from dafont, which is a very good website to download different kinds of free fonts that may be relevant for your design.

Pictures were used in this brochure, most in which came from a site that allows you to use their pics as long as you select the right option. Compfight is the site, and they allow you to borrow some of their pictures for non-profit use.

I imported a couple of pictures from compfight and I downloaded a few free fonts from dafont, and there you go. All of these things made for a nice and professional looking piece of work. My masterpiece, my brochure!
